Story from Jam Press (real life Rapunzel)
This real life Rapunzel with 1.8 meter long hair that takes an hour to wash receives marriage proposals from men around the world with some even asking if they can “sniff” her hair.
Alyona, 34, has grown out since the age of 5-years-old, and believes the real beauty of a woman is the “length of her hair”.
She started her Instagram page last year @alenuwka_longhair, posting incredible pictures of her luscious blonde locks in scenic backdrops to her 13.3K followers.
Alyona became obsessed with keeping her hair long since she was a child, taking onboard her mother’s advice that a “long braid adorns a woman”.
She has now grown her hair to a whopping 180 centimetres with plans to grow it out even more.
The 34-year-old said: “From childhood, my mother told me how long a braid adorns a woman, her words live in my heart and soul throughout life.
“For me, true beauty is in naturalness and naturalness, which is why my hair is so long, it is the manifestation of my inner world, part of me and my soul.
“The length of my hair is 180 centimetres; I have been growing hair for 5 years.”
Alyona receives dozens of marriage proposals from men online who offer to travel abroad to see her, and even gets asks if they can sniff her hair – however, Alyona said she usually laughs of such strange requests and doesn’t entertain their advances.
She said: “When people see the length of my hair, they can’t hide their enthusiastic looks and emotions, it’s very nice. Also, many come up and say how unusual and beautiful it is nowadays.
“My subscribers are the best and always delight me with positive and good comments addressed to me.
“The most unusual comments are a request to sniff my hair.
“Аll my near and dear people admire my natural beauty and the length of my hair. They are proud that they know me and have the honour of telling about me.
“A lot of men admire my hair, want to meet, travel, invite me to visit their country, make offers of hand and heart. I can laugh it off correctly, often I don’t answer messages so as not to give a man hope.”
Alyona has no plans to grow her hair longer, but said the most important thing is that she stands out from the crowd by being original and staying true to herself.
She said: “I never wanted to cut my hair and I don’t want to grow it even lower, I don’t know, time will tell, naturally I really want it.
“The most important pluses of the length of my hair is that I stand out against ordinary women, I have my own personality and originality.”
She washes her hair once a week which takes her about an hour each time and uses both natural and professional haircare products to make her hair strong and frizz-free.
Alyona also combs her hair twice a day to get rid of any tangles and trims her ends every six months, keeping her locks healthy and strong.
Speaking about her haircare process, Alyona said: “I wash my hair once a week, this process takes about an hour, given the preparation before and after washing.
“I comb my hair at least 2 times a day, I usually braid my hair, make a bun.
“I use both natural products and hair care products, as well as professional products.
“I trim the ends 2 times a year, the last time I did it in July, cut 15 centimetres.”
Alyona experiences no discomfort with her long hair but said she does accidentally step on her locks from time to time.
She said: “I can’t notice any situations with long hair. The only thing in the loose form is to accidentally step on the hair.
“There are no physical discomforts, given that the braid grew with me all my life. Accordingly, my body is used to it.”
In a word of advice on how to grow long hair, Alyona stressed the importance of loving and protecting your hair to allow it grow and stay radiant.
She said: “The main secret in long beautiful hair is a great desire to have such beauty. You cannot doubt it for a moment.
How much you love and protect your hair, how much they will be healthy and beautiful in return.
“Аll women need to remember that at all times the real beauty of women was evaluated precisely by the beauty and length of her hair.”
Një grua që ka rritur flokët e saj që nga mosha pesë vjeçare dhe që beson së bukuria e një gruaje qëndron tek gjatësia e flokëve të saj, thotë se burrat i luten që t’i nuhasin flokët e saj.
Alyona duhet një orë që ti pastrojë flokët e saj të gjata 1.8 metra, dhe i kreh dy herë në ditë. Por vetëm një herë në javë i pastron.
34-vjecarja nga Ukraina tha se merr dhjetëra propozime për martesë nga burrat në internet, të cilët i ofrojnë të udhëtojnë jashtë vendit për ta parë, madje disa duke pyetur nëse mund t’i nuhasin flokët.
Ajo tha: “Për mua, bukuria e vërtetë është në natyrshmëri, kjo është arsyeja pse flokët e mi janë kaq të gjata”.
Alyona cdo ditë në Instagram poston fotografi për ndjekësit e saj, dhe merr komente pozitive.